Policy Statement
The integrity of Fuji Oil Company (FOC) rests on a solid foundation of sound corporate governance. Our commitment to the full and accurate disclosure of information is underpinned by this policy, ensuring transparent business operations and accountability to our stakeholders to maximize the corporate value of the Group for our stakeholders. FOC will actively engage in constructive and interactive dialogues with the stakeholders based on the facts and information disclosed.
Disclosure Standards
FOC discloses information in an appropriate and timely manner in compliance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as well as other laws, regulations, and the Timely Disclosure Rules of the stock exchanges where the Company is listed. FOC also discloses information that is not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules when such information is judged to provide shareholders and investors with a clearer overall picture of the Company.
Disclosure Methods
Information to which the Timely Disclosure Rules apply will be disclosed by the Company via the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The same information will be posted on the Company’s website promptly after the disclosure.
Information not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules will be communicated accurately, impartially, and in a proper way in accordance with the above Disclosure Standards.
Internal System/Structure
FOC has stipulated internal rules on management and disclosure of the material undisclosed information that could affect the investment decision-making, and is promoting a thorough understanding and awareness of these rules by officers and employees across the Group so as to ensure appropriate management of such information and avoid selective disclosure to just some market participants. The Group’s internal structure for disclosure of material information is appended below.
Quiet Period
FOC observes a “Quiet Period” for about four weeks prior to the announcement of each quarter’s financial results to prevent leakage of unannounced financial results information and to ensure fairness. During this period FOC refrains from making comments or answering inquiries about the Company's financial results. If any event that arises during the period is subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules, however, FOC will disclose the information as appropriate. With regard to inquiries about the information that is already publically available, FOC will respond as usual, even during the period.
Forward-looking Statements
FOC's investor relations materials (including information provided on this website) contain certain statements describing the future plans and performance of the FOC Group. These statements are assumptions and estimates based on information currently available to the Company. FOC's actual performance, business activities and financial position may differ materially from plans and forecasts due to uncertainties and other factors. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve certain risks and uncertainties, which are difficult to predict.
Investment Decisions
FOC's investor relations materials (including information provided on this website) are offered for the purpose of providing information about the Company and are not intended as a solicitation to sell/buy securities of FOC, but rather as an easy reference to users. Users are requested to make their own judgments when making investment decisions.
Stock Quote Disclaimer
Stock quotes are not provided by FOC but can be obtained via a link to an external stock price information site. FOC does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any stock price information. FOC believes that stock prices are determined largely by market supply and demand and refrains from making any comments about stock prices.